“A Picture is worth ten thousand words”

Fred R. Barnard

Social Media has exploded with its growth over the last 10 years and with that so to has its ability to be able to convey information and messages quickly. People are becoming more tech-savvy and using social media platforms to design websites, convey ideas or improve job Cvs. For task 3, we were asked to familiarise ourselves with “Screencast-o-matic”, “Youtube” and “Piktochart”.
Screencast-o-matic is a presentation recording tool for mac or pc. It allows the user to video record all of the actions on their computer as well as audio commentary and save the recording for sharing or future playback.(Tomaszewski,J).This is great for showing visual step by step guides with explanations and makes a faster pace for learning. This can be seen in the video I’ve attached below. Youtube in recent years, have allowed educators to post lecture videos, example solutions or simple explanations for their students to access. This provides students with the environment of that as a one on one tutoring.(TeachThoughtStaff). Piktochart is a simple and free to use website for creating infographics, presentations and posters as well as the more formal requirements of reports.(Ellis-Barrett,L). It has a variety of templates which you can choose from. Piktochart is used world-wide for many purposes whether that would be creating a visually appealing brochure or Cv for a job interview.


TeachThoughtStaff”Teaching With YouTube: 197 Digital Channels For Learning”,2018 Available: https://www.teachthought.com/technology/teaching-youtube-197-digital-channels-learning/
Tomaszewski,J “Tech in the classroom:Screencast-O-Matic”, 2012 Available:https://www.educationworld.com/a_tech/tech-in-the-classroom/screencast-o-matic.shtml
Ellis-Barrett, L. (2016). Piktochart. The School Librarian, 64(1), 20. Retrieved from https://ucd.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://search.proquest.com/docview/1775895787?accountid=14507

Platforms used:

Images and a video showing completion of tasks for badge 3:

Image on the left shows the steps completed in task A) of “Presenting Information Through Infographics”.Image on the right shows the completion of task B) and task C).

This is a short video I made on “how to conduct a Google image search”. The following platforms I used for this task Youtube and Screencast-o-matic. Video contains Audio, Visual’s and some editing from the platforms previously named.

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