I believe the use of blogs helps reinforce the material covered in both the lectures and tutorial sessions while also offering the student the opportunity to express their own opinion and creativity by posting through this blog. Social media dominates our everyday life it is the fastest form of communication on the planet and it is most effective platform to express an idea or opinion. Using WordPress is both a clever and intriguing way of getting students to engage and put their own stamp on the lessons learned.
I thoroughly enjoyed making my own blog and to respond and use the materials covered online on Brightspace. The fast-paced nature of the online lectures and tutorials are something I enjoy in comparison to the outdated sitting at the back of a lecture hall. Blogs can be used to improve student writing, especially for developing skill in analysis and critique.(Macie Hall, 2013).
A study was conducted on “using blogging as a learning tool” in which it highlighted that college students were blogging to enhance their critical skills and that lecturers and tutors need to come up with new technology and fun ways of keeping students more engaged in the classroom. Through blogging, we can ensure that our students are communicating with each other, expressing themselves, exercising their writing, reading, and critical thinking skills, and reflecting on the information that you taught them earlier in the day. (Brzeski, Toni Ann, 2014).
Hall, M: “Using Blogging as a Learning Tool”(2013) Available: https://ii.library.jhu.edu/2013/11/27/using-blogging-as-a-learning-tool/
Brzeski, Toni Ann. “Advances in technology pave the path to actual learning: using blogging as a learning tool.” HETS Online Journal, vol. 5, no. 1, 2014.

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